Why Supporting Youth Mental Health Is so Important

Public health has always been a focus of human societies, but it is only recently that psychological wellness has been considered equal to physical wellness. Teenagers, in particular, are struggling with mental illness more than ever before, and need critical support from family and friends.

Why It’s Hard to Be a Teen Today

Today’s society is running at a fast pace, and it is easy for teens to feel lost or overwhelmed by all of the expectations placed on them.

High school students, looking to further their education at a University, are constantly being pressured to be the best of the best and cram as many extra-curricular activities into their schedules as they can. Because of this, a shocking 20% of teens experience depression or other mental disorders before they reach their 20’s.

That’s why we at the Holman Community Development Corporation want to help these teenagers as much as we can.

How Parents Can Help Teens Manage Their Stress

Children who develop low self-esteem can undervalue their own abilities and risk limiting their academic, recreational, and social potential. This means that families, teachers, and communities must help today’s teens become tomorrow’s healthy adults.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways that adults can help teens manage their stress levels. The most important of which includes honest discussions with them about what’s going on in their lives. Teenagers naturally keep secrets from their parents, but a strong relationship with an adult can give them a feeling of security and someone they can vent to.

Another great way to manage stress is for teens to schedule unstructured time for themselves. No sports practice, no homework, just an open period of time for teenagers to discover their interests and enjoy them. Having a period of time every day to look forward to can help teens manage their anxieties and expel their stress by doing something they love.

Teenagers are facing less time with families and an unpredictable future, which can damage their mental health and the wonderful things that they are capable of accomplishing. Give the Holman Community Development Corporation a call today at 323-500-3262 or visit us online to find out how our youth employment and engagement programs can help your teen.